Jenny Harry
1 min readApr 9, 2024

Is this the right way to love?

Photo by Jared Sluyter on Unsplash

Who taught you to love in private?

And to stifle, muffle the sound of every emotion

Like loving in private means love rightly

Or loving intentionally.

Who taught you to show legs or body parts?

Like It secures your affair.

Our screams become whispers of love

Hiding it like this makes our incompatibility


Who taught you openness or revealing,

Is a potential pitfall to love?

Like the problem is the snatchers

not the person,

Or waiting to be loved rightly.

So you turn your excitement into quotes

“Love is sweet with the right person ”

Or wait It is “I am my Lover Girl era”.

What happened to love out loud

Or is it the risk of jeopardizing

Or the fear of losing something that

Would be short-lived.

How many new things have you welcomed?

Thinking this is what I need,

Then slowly losing its grip.

Like being wanting to be a Newscaster

Now the only thing you cast is wigs.

What happened to love intensely

Carelessly and foolishly, The idea is to fall.

As one that is not afraid of falling off the cliff

In bungee jump.

Whatever happens, I will survive!

What happened to love openly?

Jenny Harry

A Nigerian who likes to write. Some days I am brave enough and I share my life experiences, other days it's random thoughts, short poems& tales. Don't judge me.